Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Purpose

I read a lot, watch a lot, play a lot, eat a lot.

In fact, most of my life i concerned with stuffing myself with new content, and then reflecting on that content. This blog will essentially be a place where I can gather some thoughts on the books I read, the films and shows that I watch, and maybe sometimes the games that I play or the food that I eat.

These will likely start short, and then get longer the more that I write. The goal is to get in the habit of critique, and hopefully to spur some discussion along the way. If you've somehow stumbled across this, I hope that this blog is not too irksome.

Coming soon: Thoughts on "A Clash of Kings" (yes, I'm drinking that Kool Aid), the memoirs of Cabeza de Vaca, and some Roman poetry.